Trojan Courses

By Danial Asaria


I love exploring new classes at USC but search and discovery with WebReg can be really challenging.

I built this project to solve this problem. Using word embeddings to build a semantic search index, I was able to vectorize across every class available in the upcoming term. In seconds you can now find your favorite classes and discover new ones at the intersection of your interests.

Example Queries


Have an idea on how this webapp could be improved? Find a particularly fun search query?

Feel free to send me feedback, either by Email or Twitter.


This project wouldn't have been possible without Travis Fischer, an amazing open source contributor.

Support my work by sponsoring me or following me on twitter. The API and server costs add up over time, so if you can spare it, sponsoring me on Github is greatly appreciated. 💕

This project is not affiliated with USC. It pulls data from their Schedule of Classes with this npm library and processes it using AI.